Monday, March 29, 2010


Goodness Gosh!
No one, except for a few other ladies and gentleman, know how much I truly miss FIDM! I could never have imagined that I would actually miss going to school, I miss being busy, having a lack of sleep, waking up before the crack of down, and coming home when it's dark.
Every quarter I feel more and more blessed to be able to go to FIDM, and to have gained the friendships I know have. Everyone, the students, the teachers, the atmosphere, it is all amazing.

This whole break so far I have been re-inventing myself without evern realizing it.
I have taken out my plugs, have cut a large majority of my hair off, whitenend my teeth, re-done my eyebrows, and have gotten a completey new wardrobe!
This 'change' is long over due.
I am so happy right now, words cannot even describe.
A large majority of the mornings I wake up, drive down to the Marina (Yes! I AM DRIVING!), and go on a long walk.
I then come home, get dressed and clean the house. After that I watch Bewitched and I Dream of Jennie after which I take my two doggies on a walk.
This may not sound like a lot, put after a long day I feel very fulfilled.
I am re-thinking the idea of being a housewife and getting married.
I have never wanted to be a housewife and I sure as hell have never wanted to get married, but lately I have been considering it and even had a long conversation with min kjaere about it.
He believe is is the fact that I have grown up and am getting my priorities straight that it is only a part of life that my opinions on certain situations change.
He's a sweetheart, if only I loved him like he says he loves me.
I would marry him in a heartbeat! But as I well know, I already know who the love of my life is, and I will not settle for anyone but him.

I am currently also re-reading 'Cheap Diamonds' and amazing book that I always love to read.
Oh! And I also hav a job interview tomorrow! It's at the Union Square Macy's! How exciting! That Macy's is so beautiful and grand, I know I would enjoy working there, hopefully they hire me and I can have a steady job :)
Goodness knows I need the money, and maybe, just maybe, if I work full time this whole break I can save up enough money for a down payment for an apartment in the city.
haha, I girl can dream can't she!
I will know end this blog with a few pictures I took this past week.


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