Thursday, March 25, 2010


My new obsession is anything and everything beautiful and classy.
I feel in a time like this, were there is little money and problems in the world, it is time for people to be recession chic.

I take advantage of the days my family gets off and we go out for lunches and a bit of light shopping.
I find vintage items to be so much better than new items because they have a story behind them and an individual feeling.
I know that I am the only, or one of few, who have such an item and that makes me feel so special!
The fact that I by items that are one of a kind is so amazing to me.

In my life I have always tried to fit in and not stand out so much.
I was a very quiet child and during my final year of high school I branched out and took charge of my life.
I wore dresses to school, and heels!
I decided I wouldn't give a damn whether or not anyone liked how I dressed. I wasn't dressing in designer clothing, I didn't shop at the mall.
Instead I would shop thrifty and found items I thought were nice and beautiful.

But upon entering FIDM I started buying Vintage and Thrift clothing, now after I have finished my first year of college I find over 50% of my clothing articles to be thrifted!

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