Monday, March 15, 2010

Common Reaction

Of all the gin joints in all the world, you just had to walk into the one I was at?
Why the fuck does this always happen?

And that’s the day everything changed.

It’s a sunny day and everything feels so perfect.
I love my mother for putting up with my crazy fashion sense and my constant need for vintage crap.
We woke up early this morning to take my boots to the Cordonnier to get them fixed because they were supposedly! Going to tear. She insisted on me getting them fixed since they cost me 200 smackaroos way back when. If you ask me, the best 200 I have ever spent.
We went to all of these quaint little antique stores where we looked through cases and cases of jewelry and racks of faux vintage clothing, fake poo if you ask me.
But I did find a few accessories I did like. A hand painted German brooch from 1920, a 1940’s hair brooch, and two 1960 hair thingies, hahah.
Well I know sit here, writing and listening to some indie music….
My mood has been pretty bleek the past few days.
I have been reminiscing a lot lately, every time I hit a mile stone in life I get like this, I kind of hate it and love it, but it makes people think I’m having an emotional breakdown or something when I’m really just trying to get my thoughts and life together.

I keep getting hit-on and asked out on dates from these boys who have no similar interests of me.
I’m sorry but I first like to be friends with a person before I get into a relationship or go out with them.
The boys who tend to ask me out are ‘normal’ and they dress in clothing bought at the mall.
WTF? Do I look like the kind of girl who listens to Rap and likes wearing clothes bought at Forever 21? UMMM NOOO! You can tell a lot about a person based on their appearance and how they hold themselves.

At the moment I feel like no guy is worth my time.
Today I was veryy attracted to the man at the Cordonnier shop, I think the fact that he made things with his hands and could create such beautiful things with a textile is what attracted me to him.
I like men who can fend for themselves and who work with their hands, who aren’t afraid to get dirty.
I will never again be with someone who doesn’t work in a profession where they do not work with their hands.
A mans man is my kind of person.
I like to be around creative people, all of my friends by them man or woman all are inspiring.
They are artists, craftsman, designers, painters, sketch artists, chefs, car detailers, etc.
I’m sorry but for you to be attractive to me you have to have a thought in your head and not a card in your pocket.

Betsey Johnson was married three times, and divorced all her husbands.
All three were artists and she said she supported them and loved to be with them because they were all so creative, she had to leave them because she realized she was living not for herself but for them.
All her money went to their art, and she spent her time caring for them.
I’m a nurturer.
I love animals, I feed, bathe, play, and live with my animals, I care for them as if they were my children just as I care for the person I am in a relationship with.

I want to fall asleep with the love of my life running his hands through my hair while I drag my hands across his back.

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