Sunday, February 28, 2010


Sometimes my thoughts get away from me and I imagine scenarios and opportunities in my head that have not happened yet, but they prepare me for what is to I guess it's not such a bad thing that I live in my head a lot
I have deja vu a lot too, at least three times a day. I was telling one of my friends at school about it and they told me that when one has deja vu it means that they are following the correct path in life. That makes me happy, because it often happens at school, meaning I am meant to be there and I have something to achieve and to give to the fashion industry.

I feel like I have evolved into a much better person in the past year since I have graduated high school. I often think back onto high school and realize what a wreck it was. Public high schools are garbage, and it's no wonder I wanted to be home schooled instead. But I think it was good on my moms part not to take me out of Alhambra because I can't always take the easy way out of situations, and it taught me not too.

FIDM has been quite hectic lately. This quarter has been one of the hardest by far, having to make a pattern for a dress and sew it every week is pretty tough, especially since it's more like two garments.
But my friends have been making it easier to handle :)
I definetely believe that my type of 'hands-on' schooling is harder than academic schools. If you don't do your work in an academic class no one but the teacher will know, but if you don't do it in pattern drafting class everyone will know because you will be the only one without a garment.
Fashion school is really hard, but I enjoy every second of it.
I'm almost done with my first year, only three more weeks! I'm soooo proud of myself, I never thought I'd get this far in life at such a young age.
Most of my friends aren't even in college yet, they've just been in hiatus since graduating.
I didn't even get a summer, I had less than two weeks of vacation before I started FIDM. I'm not sad about it because I know I made a great decision, I just don't feel like an 18 year old, I feel a lot older.

I just laugh and smile at the kind of person I was and still am.
Of course I have changed...but it's all for the better.
As long as I'm happy with the person I am that is all that matters.
People will always talk about me, and wont always like the decisions I make, but as long as it works for me you should all be happy for me.

I find that people sometimes take their friends for granted because they feel they are leaving them behind. But real friends will never leave you behind, and if they do you will realize that your friendship was really never meant to be.

I try not to say bad things, I actually haven't said anything malicious about any of my friends in the past two months and I am very proud of that. I still cuss though, but not as much as I used to.

I was looking at my music collection the other day and realized it is very strange, I have a fall out boy cd next to a blaqk Audio cd and a Lost Alone ep, hahaha.
My life is ridiculous.

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