Friday, February 12, 2010


I find myself constantly inspired by people who stand by their beliefs and who aren't afraid of being judged.
I love people who stand apart from the crowd, with their middle finger raised and a smirk on their face.
Old school glamour, and dirty dirty punks inspire me.
I love doo wop music, rockabilly, and punk. I live for beauty, that screams for attention and clothiing that tears at the seams, be it old and frayed, or tight as tight can be.

SIck Of It All:
"Let's celebrate that we don't care
Let's celebrate that we don't give a fuck
With a middle finger high in the air"

I like people who refuse to conform.
Those who don't give a care in the world to how people percieve them as long as they have a family standing behind them.
People who stand for something and will not let their belifs fall to the side give me hope for a better future.

Agnostic Front:
"We always stuck together
We always had something to prove
We gave birth to a movement
This is for the old school and the new!"

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