Saturday, February 20, 2010

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.

I will never lose faith, and I will never lose love.
My friends will always be my closest enemies, at one point or another we always attack each other...many times without reason.
As humans we are all utter contradictions and hypocrits.
We will always lie, we will always hurt each other, and we will always abuse.

I have never thought myself to be someone who takes advantage of people, I have never taken anything from anyone without a price and I have never needed the help of someone outside of my immediate family.
I was brought up to stand up on my own two feet, and never look back.
I was taught to help those in need, and give them what they were in need of.
But when friends can't face the truth and are persuaded by their 'family and friends' it's a hopeless cause.

I'm not a perfect person and I make a lot of mistakes, but in my heart I know that I have more hope than anyone around me.
I want to help people, but sometimes I can't.

Some think that just because they are young they should party, drink, and do drugs.
Live fast, die young right?
I can't help but feel sad for those people.
I choose to live my life to the fullest, I will occasionally drink and go to get together and parties but it is not an everyday thing.
There have been a few moments in my life where I have been one of 'them', but those moments taught me that it wasn't me.
I'm the kind of person that likes to laugh and dance at my own accord, I don't want or like to be controlled either by a person or a drug.
The past few statements people might bring up moments were I have been one of 'them'.
Yes I have been drunk, but when I was and in high school, and unaware of the person I wanted to be.
Yes I have been drunk to the moment that I became sick, it happened once, and I learned my limit.
I did have an edible, and I do regret it. I did it because it tainted my clean slate and did nothing for me. I would have been much happier without it.
I am not a promiscuous person, I have morals. I don't have sexual escapades, I don't make out with people while drunk or in public, I don't kiss strangers, and I don't grind up on people while dancing.
I try not to do things I would not do in front of my family.
I am an example of what my mother taught me.
My mother did not teach me to have sex outside of wedlock, she did not teach me to make-out in public, she taught me that no one will have respect for me if I did not respect myself.
She told me that people will talk, but never give them reason to slander my name.
I will never belong to a man.
I will never have a ring on my finger.
And no man, unless I am married, will ever say that they had me or I was at any moment theirs.
No man will ever have me.

Most of my friends on the other hand, drink weekly, do drugs daily, and do things I will never do.
But that does not mean I don't love them or have respect for them.
What they do works for them and their lifestyle, and I have no right to judge them.
I am happy that they are happy and all I can hope for is that they are safe.

I have lost many friends, because of my decisions.
There are certain things I will not partake in and will never do.
And for those reasons they believe me to be a different person from who they thought I was, but in the contrary, I just make better decisions and have grown up from the moment they had met me until now.

I like writing these 'blogs' because it gives people some insight onto who I am. Sometimes my ideas offend people because they feel directly targeted by what I say then try to start an internet war with me by talking bad about me and talking slander. I do not mean to offend people, my only purpose by writing is to put my thoughts down in words where I can see them and in years to come I can hopefully look back and see the kind of person I was and how I have grown.
If you are offended by anything I wrote please talk to me about it, via by phone, internet, or preferably in person.
But please do not try to start a fight. Because I am better than having someone try to dispute my feelings and bring me down, I have learned.

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