Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Gives Me Hope

Love gives me hope.
The selflessness of humans and our compassion for each other astonishes me in ways I will never understand.
It inspires me to be a better human being and pushes me to strive for perfection, an impossible goal, but that won't stop me.

I'm probably one of the luckiest girls in the world.
My life has been turned upside down, inside out, and topsy turvy, and I'm still here!
People may judge me, they may criticize me, but I know my life is ten times better than theres.Why?
Because I have a loving family that would do anything for me, and selfless friends who without even knowing it make my day.
I have learned more in the past year than I did during my whole high school career.
Just because you think you know somebody doesn't mean they know you.
Just because you meet a stranger, it doesn't meet your not friends.
And if you have a dollar to spare, give it to someone who needs it because wouldn't you want a dollar when you have no money?

I will always be there for all my friends, even if they hurt me, made me cry, or talked behind my back.
I was raised to see the good in people, and forgive those who have done bad in my eyes.
I'm a thoughtful person who cares about everyone and everything.
That is one of the reasons why many of the animals I have are disabled and why I am a vegitarian, I care about creatures who have no voice.

I have a heart of gold, something many will never see unless they need a favor.
On a couple of occasions I have given my friends cash for food when they had none, bought strangers BART tickets when they lost theirs, and given elderly people my seat when not a man would stand up. I don't claim to be a better person than others, I just make better choices.

Sometimes I sit in bed and think of the times my mother, brother, sister, and I went though our hardship. Less than a year and a half ago, we barely had enough money to buy food, at times we had no food other than beans and rice.
And now, my sister moved to Davis, I'm going to a private college, and my brother is a jock in high school.
My mom looks at us and is so proud at the way she raised us.
We are loyal, hardworking, young adults.
We each have out faults...especially me.
But she knows she has instilled in my the knowledge to make good choices and lead a great life.
One day I will give my mother everything her heart desires, I will give her everything I have because that's just what she has given me.
She has given me, my brother, and my sister everything she has.

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