Sunday, January 31, 2010

Real eyes realize real lies.

Well HELLO THERE! This blog really has no purpose, I just need to waste some time and think out loud. Boredom is a weakness of the mind so I decided to do something about it and write, hahaha

There are so many things I wish I could say to people but don't have the power to.
Not because I'm scared or intimidated, but because I don't want to hurt people.
I believe you should treat others like you want to be treated, I may not have always done that in the past but from now on I am making it a point to do so.

"It seems funny that I have to explain myself for every comment I make.
I don't believe I have to, but others think that I do.
So whatever, I don't really give a rats ass."

I have a Chanel ring on my left hand, and a swarobski crystal flower on the right.

I always used to think I never wanted to grow up.
I was Wendy looking for Peter Pan, but I recently discovered that growing up really isn't that bad.
Growing up means you are changing and evolving in a greater human being.
We must learn to walk before we run.
As children we experience the world thru innocent eyes.
We then learn the ropes, and begin to make choices.
We evolve and grow, hopefully into better beings, but not all of us.

I have learned that I grow up a lot quicker than other people.
As living and growing beings we go through differnt changes in life that push us further and further to the end.
Life is what we make it, we can either waste it away or take hold of the reins and make our own choices.

Today, millions and trillions of thoughts are going through my head:

-I wish he was still in my life, I should have forgiven him for what he did, yet I don't. In the end I know he will always be here for me when I need him most. He's the only one that has always been truthful and there for me, he's been the kindest yet harshest person to me. I really don't know.

-I am not easily influenced by the thoughts and views of others, I wish they were stronger and realized what their other friends were doing to them.

-Thanks for taking so much interest in me fuckers! Keep talking cause you're only making yourself look immature.

-We were so good friends, I should really hang out with them soon.

-Cassie is soo sweet.

-I wish people wouldn't be so rude.

Thrift Shopping was lame! No good items and too many people all around, and crazy creepy pervs. Being sick didn't help either.
I better be healthier by Tuesday...I hope I am.

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