Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Content and Happy

I have an amazing family, even though I have no father. I have an amazing job, even though I make a bit over minimum wage. And I have a great boyfriend, even though he's waiting for me in a different city.
I've realized to appreciate the silly little things in life. Such as dancing on the beach, sleeping in the woods, or walking after midnight with a dear friend. I've learned that no matter what happens there will always be people there to pick me up from wherever I have fallen. I'm ready to start new, someplace where I can make a name for myself and challenge myself. I'm not happy in a place, or even in a relationship, where everything is perfect and happy. I'm a fighter and I need to constantly be moving and have something to do to feel 'normal'. I need to have people around me that are ready to move, and go with it.

Another funny little thing that people have been finding out about me...I smoke! Not drugs of course, I don't very much like drugs, but cigarettes. I love how people are amazed and astonished when I pull a cigarette out and light it, hahah, the look on their face is priceless.
We all have our poisons, and mine happen to be cigarettes and vodka, yum...

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